Mens New Forest League

HALFWAY STAGE OF NFL. We are standing in third place after playing half of our matches. This may be because DBC have played one more match than the rest of the Division 3. Perhaps that one more match was our resounding victory over Ringwood A, 90 shots to 45. Our total number of shots for the season is 416, which balances nicely with shots against of 416. Please see the table attached, I am sure the second half will be more settled and consistent.
Regards, Alan

New forest League v Highcliffe A, 2nd May

Highcliffe A 77 shots, 6 points, Downton 64 shots 2points
The first League match on a dry but dismal evening. The green was soft and slow due to our rainfall over the last days and months. Two Rinks won and Two Rinks lost. The winning rink of Steve Allen, John James and Paul Tanner had a cagey game, with Highcliffe preferring long jacks and Downton shorter. When a long jack was cast into the ditch this worked in Downton’s favour. Going into the last end 3 up, they held on to win by one shot. The other winning trio of Nick, Lewis and Charles, had an extremely tight game where the last three ends were won to overcome Highcliffe by two shots. Unfortunately the rest of our team did not play so well and allowed Highcliffe A to win the match 77-64 and six points to 2. Nice game to start the season especially with the hot dogs afterwards.
Alan W.

Regards Alan

Green Opening – Charity Fun Afternoon

Just confirming that the Green will open for our first event on Tuesday 16th at 2pm.

This is our traditional Charity Match and so we will ask for £2 from each player to compete in the preliminary Spider. After the Spider, we will choose some teams to compete over 10 ends, depending on the numbers – So come along and loosen those arms!

After Tuesday the Green is obviously open for the rest of the season.

This week’s highlights:

  • We have a Men’s Practise on Thursday Evening
  • Friday is Club Night

Feel free to use the Green for a Roll Up anytime.

Looking forward to seeing you all.

Green Report – April 2024

Pre season preparation for the surface of the Green has been badly affected by the weather, not just of late, but all through the winter months.

We have not been able to cut the saturated grass at regular intervals, the last time being well over a week ago. The grass height needs to be gradually reduced to a playing level, in the correct conditions this may be managed over a week.

If bowls were played on the ground at the moment then damage would be caused due to the softness; on top of this the speed would be intolerably slow. Taking all this into account, the Green team will try to have a reasonable playing surface by Tuesday 16th April, but there is no guarantee, particularly if we have any more wet weather.

We’ve therefore decided to move the opening Charity Fun Day on 16th April at 2pm.

Alan Waters, Greenkeeper.

Marie Clarke is now on the County Register

Marie Clarke, from Downton Bowling Club has now earned enough points to be offered a place on the County Register.

You are awarded points as winner/runner up in club singles and for getting to certain rounds of county competitions.  If you get 6 points over a rolling 8 years, you qualify to go on the County Register.

Well done Marie! 

[competitions] Club Competitions

Two Woods: Alan Waters – WINNER Cathy Dean – RUNNER UP
Novice Cup: Paul Fox – WINNER Peggy Maguire – RUNNER UP
Sets: Alan Waters – WINNER Rod Hall – RUNNER UP
Aussie Pairs: Alan Waters/Ivan Buss – WINNERS Nick Purkis/ Marie Clarke – RUNNERS UP
Triples: Marie Clarke/Nick Purkis/ Ivan Buss – WINNERS v Alan Foster/Tony Musselwhite/Alan Waters RUNNERS – UP
Ladies Pairs: Marie Clarke/Ann Noble – WINNERS Cathy Dean/Ann Galpin – RUNNERS UP
Men’s Pairs: Nick Purkis/Lewis Ambler – WINNERS Steve Allen/Paul Fox – RUNNERS UP
Ladies Singles: Marie Clarke – WINNER Cathy Dean – RUNNER UP
Men’s Singles: Alan Waters – WINNER John James – RUNNER UP
Champion of Champions WINNER – Marie Clarke RUP. – AlanWaters
Winner Marie who played Alan in the Champion of Champions.

Downton through to final

Downton v Milford-on-Sea in Ivor Fourmy Cup, Men’s New Forest League.24/8. This was a semi final match with a home and away format. The winners being the team with the highest total of shots. On this occasion all four triples excelled from the off, with the the home squad having a 17 point lead after 6ends and the away team having a similar lead after ten ends. These leads were added to by the end of the match( just 15ends), giving Downton a comfortable victory of 45shots. Downton go on to play the final, at Downton, against Fordingbridge B.
Alan Waters 26/8

Leisure Centre ‘Fun Day’

On Sunday, 3rd September the Leisure Centre in Downton is holding its ‘Fun Day’ from 11.00am – 4.00pm and, hopefully, there will be some people wishing to have a go at playing Bowls.
We are planning to have the Green open for a roll-up, so please look in when you come along.