Category: Social Events
Charity Fun Day
Well, the Green is now Open and the Fun Day over. Thank you to everyone who came along and enjoyed the fun.
It felt good to be back on the Green with friends again, sending your bowls towards the Jack. The green is pretty good, given the weather, but, today the sun shone and we all had a great time.

Green Opening – Charity Fun Afternoon
Just confirming that the Green will open for our first event on Tuesday 16th at 2pm.
This is our traditional Charity Match and so we will ask for £2 from each player to compete in the preliminary Spider. After the Spider, we will choose some teams to compete over 10 ends, depending on the numbers – So come along and loosen those arms!
After Tuesday the Green is obviously open for the rest of the season.
This week’s highlights:
- We have a Men’s Practise on Thursday Evening
- Friday is Club Night
Feel free to use the Green for a Roll Up anytime.
Looking forward to seeing you all.
2024 Bowls Season – Social Bowling in Downton
Social Bowls is an important part of bowling at Downton. It helps new bowlers learn both the art and etiquette of playing bowls and builds confidence. This season we’re planning to change how our Social Bowling is organised. We will be holding two Social Bowling sessions a week:
- A Social Bowling session on a Monday afternoon (excluding Bank holidays) starting at 2pm.
- A Social Bowling session on a Friday evening from 6pm.
For Monday’ session, we are looking for volunteers (male and/or female) to run the session. This would involve arriving at the club a few minutes before 2pm to open up the clubhouse; put out the bowls equipment for a rink and then play a game. Afterwards, they will make the tea if needed and supervise the tidying up. If we get enough volunteers, you should only need to do this once in a season.
We will also be having Social Bowling on a Friday evening from 6pm. However we would recommend every member who has a mobile phone to subscribe to the Club’s WhatsApp group. You can then post a message on the Group saying you are going to play on a particular Friday and other players can respond saying they would like to join you. We will make tea and biscuits available on these days.
If you are willing to help the club and can volunteer for an afternoon on a Monday, please get in touch with Steve Allen by email or phone.
Thank you
Steve Allen
Christmas Coffee Morning Frivolity
Our lovely ladies – Muriel, Rosemary and Anne – organised a lovely morning of coffee cake and laughs on 20th December. Christmas hats and jumpers abounded (some hats were sillier than others, as were those wearing them). Bingo warmed us up, followed by a bumper raffle. Thank you to all those who supported our Christmas event.
Alan Waters

Downton hosting two New Forest Plate Finals
On Saturday, 9th September Downton Bowls Club will be hosting two New Forest Plate Finals.
The first final will start at 10.00am and the second at 2.00pm so there will be much to see all day.
Teas, coffees and other refreshments will be available over the course of the day – and the Bar will be open!
Spectators are warmly welcome.
Leisure Centre ‘Fun Day’
We are planning to have the Green open for a roll-up, so please look in when you come along.
Downton Bowls vs Downton Football – 7th May

We always have a traditional bowls match against Downton Football Club.
This is a great afternoon of fun and banter. Anyone can play – just contact the club to register your interest. Or just come along and enjoy the afternoon.
Kick off (!) is at 2pm on Sunday 7th May.
We’ll have a raffle and buffet afterwards.
Green Opening Postponed.
Due to the recent adverse weather conditions, the Greenkeeper has had to postpone the opening of the Green. However, it is anticipated that the Green will actually be open for Play from Tuesday, 18th April and will be available for the Ladies Practice at 2.00pm and the Men’s Practice at 6.15pm on that day. This will be dependent on the weather over the following few days.
The Opening Charity Fun Day and the President v Captain game will now take place on Saturday, 22nd and Sunday 23rd April respectively, at 2.00pm.
The Ladies Practice scheduled for Monday 17th has been postponed to Tuesday as previously stated.
Race Night

We had over 30 people attend the Race Night last week, which attracted a lot of business for bookmaker Rod Hall.
One lucky person was “ the owner” of four of the winning horses! Everyone tucked into the lovely supper of fish and chips and the evening was rounded off with a couple of novelty races.