Solar Electric v Bustards

Another lovely day for bowls (apart from the gale force wind), on an excellent playing surface. SE were second in the league, but due to mix up, only five players turned up.
Rink 5 – Tony, Paul & Geoff W27-11. Playing against two opponents was a new experience for our team & it took a while to get going, but once they did, 3×3, 2×4 & a 6 on the last end saw the team through to a big win. Well done, an excellent team performance.
Rink 4 – Lewis, Muriel & Ivan W20-15. Having lost 7 ends in a row & losing 5-10 after 10 ends, we finally woke up, scoring 14 shorts over the next 4 ends to lead 19-10. Well done on a great recovery.
Match score Bustards 47 v 26 Solar. All 6 points to the Bustards. With two straight six point wins, we have moved up to third in the league.
Next week we travel to second bottom Poole Park Gulls & we are one short. If you are available to play, please kindly let me know asap.
Ivan Buss 1st June 2024.

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